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Prospectus for F.Y -B.A & B.Com (2020 -2021) . New!!!

Full / Partial  Payment of College Fees .

  1. Please login with your login credentials used during admission process.
  2. Those who have filled the form on the production server and paid Rs. 855/- as registration fees
    use the below link for the  payment of college fees.

    Click here!!!!  to login into production server.

  3. Those who have filled the form on test server and paid Rs 855/- as registration fees
    use the below link for the  payment of college fees.

    Click here!!!!  to login into test server.

Note :Students to pay full payment and partial payment will be open till 17th November 2020.

In case of any difficulties regarding Payment .
Please contact within timings (8.30 am – 1.30pm)

Mr. Nadim Shaikh
Mob No: 9764329214
Email: nadimshaikh@cescollege.ac.in

Mrs. Pravya Dessai
Mob No: 7083289836
Email: pravyadessai@cescollege.ac.in

Mr. Shambhau Sapre
Mob No: 7972323037
Email: shambhausapre@cescollege.ac.in

NOTIFICATION FOR S.Y and T. Y- B.A /B.Com Admissions

Notice for S.Y – T.Y  B.A /B.Com online admissions (2020-21) 

Full / Partial Payment of College for SY / TY –  B.A / B.Com

Step 1: S.Y / T.Y Fee Payment Link 

          Username :  P R Number

          Password :  P R Number

Note :Students to pay full payment and partial payment will be open till 17th November 2020.

Note :For the SY and TY students who have not paid the registration fees of Rs 225/- while registering on the IAIMS portal, for them the said amount is added to the total fee and partial fee amount.

In case of any difficulties regarding payment please contact within timings (8.30 am – 1.30pm)

1) Mr. Nadim Shaikh : 9764329214        Email : nadimshaikh@cescollege.ac.in

2) Mrs. Pravya Dessai : 7083289836.    Email : pravyadessai@cescollege.ac.in

3) Mr . Shambhau Sapre : 7972323037  Email : shambhausapre@cescollege.ac.in

In case of any difficulties regarding online admission please contact  on below  given contact details :

EMAIL ID : office@cescollege.ac.in

Dr.Sanjay P. Sawant Dessai Principal 9765569757 principal@cescollege.ac.in
Dr.Sarala V. Katageri Vice - Principal 9423882713 viceprincipal@cescollege.ac.in
Shri. Anand S. Dessai Associate Professor (Mathematics) 9850135236 ananddessai@cescollege.ac.in
Mrs. Yashmita Y. Ghatwal Assistant Professor (Commerce) 9922233550 yashmitaghatwal@cescollege.ac.in
Mrs. Tina de Santa Tereza Assistant Professor (Commerce) 8007537403 tinadsouza@cescollege.ac.in
Mr. Nadim Shaikh Administration Staff 9764329214 nadimshaikh@cescollege.ac.in
Mrs. Pravya P. Dessai IT Technical Support Assistant 7083289836 pravyadessai@cescollege.ac.in